HOWTO handle key-value data in PostgreSQL – the HSTORE contrib

I previously blogged about NoSQL support in PostgreSQL and then later wrote a tutorial on using JSON data type. Today, I will be talking about another angle of NoSQL in PostgreSQL, handling key-value data using the HSTORE contrib module.

HSTORE was introduced back in 2006 as part of PostgreSQL 8.2, and I doubt the authors had any idea at the time how NoSQL popularity will skyrocket in the coming years. Using HSTORE, developers can emulate a schema-less semi-structured data store while staying within the fully ACID-compliant domain of PostgreSQL, a relational database.

Without further ado, here is how some basic HSTORE functionality can be handled …

Create the extension

The very first step is to create the HSTORE extension, essentially loading the contrib module to your PostgreSQL instance.

hstore_db=# CREATE EXTENSION hstore;


Create a table with HSTORE data type

Once the extension is loaded, creating a table with a column of HSTORE data type is fairly straightforward. The syntax is exactly the same as any native data type.

hstore_db=# CREATE TABLE hstore_test ( id SERIAL, sale HSTORE );


Insert data into HSTORE column

You can use the ‘=>’operator to assign values to keys while you insert data.

hstore_db=# INSERT INTO hstore_test (sale) VALUES (‘”milk”=>”4″, “bread”=>”2”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cereal”=>”1″‘);


Retrieve data from an HSTORE column

HSTORE data can be retrieved like any other native PostgreSQL data type.

hstore_db=# SELECT sale FROM hstore_test;



“milk”=>”4”, “bread”=>”2”, “cereal”=>”1”, “bananas”=>”12”

(1 row)

Retrieve value for a particular key

HSTORE provides the ‘->’ operator to retrieve value of a particular key from the table.

hstore_db=# SELECT sale -> ‘bread’ AS quantity FROM hstore_test;




(1 row)

Use value of a key in the WHERE clause

Similarly, the ‘->’ operator can be used to specify a values in the extract criteria of a query, i.e. as part of the WHERE clause.

hstore_db=#  SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale -> ‘bananas’ = ’12’;

id |                           sale


1 | “milk”=>”4”, “bread”=>”2”, “cereal”=>”1”, “bananas”=>”12”

(1 row)

Remove a key-value pair from a row

PostgreSQL provides for deleting a specific key-value from an existing HSTORE row.

hstore_db=# UPDATE hstore_test SET sale = delete(sale, ‘bread’);


hstore_db=# SELECT sale FROM hstore_test;



“milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”1”, “bananas”=>”12”

(1 row)

Add a key-value pair to an existing row

PostgreSQL also gives you the ability to add a key-value pair to an existing HSTORE row.

hstore_db=# UPDATE hstore_test SET sale = sale || ‘”cupcakes”=>”20″‘::hstore;


hstore_db=# SELECT sale FROM hstore_test;



“milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”1”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cupcakes”=>”20”

(1 row)

Update value of a key

Like add and delete, you can also update the value of a particular key within an existing HSTORE row.

hstore_db=# UPDATE hstore_test SET sale = sale || ‘”cereal”=>”5″‘::hstore;


hstore_db=# SELECT sale FROM hstore_test;



“milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”5”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cupcakes”=>”20”

(1 row)

Check for a specific key

In order to illustrate how to check for specific keys in an HSTORE column, first let’s insert a 2nd row in the hstore_test table.

hstore_db=# INSERT INTO hstore_test (sale) VALUES (‘”apples”=>”10″, “oranges”=>”12”, “mangoes”=>”6″‘);


hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test;

id |                             sale


1 | “milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”5”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cupcakes”=>”20”

2 | “apples”=>”10”, “mangoes”=>”6”, “oranges”=>”12”

(2 rows)

Here is how you can retrieve the record that contains the key ‘bananas’.

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale ? ‘bananas’;

id |                             sale


1 | “milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”5”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cupcakes”=>”20”

(1 row)

The query below retrieves the newly inserted record, as the key specified is ‘oranges’.

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale ? ‘oranges’;

id |                      sale


2 | “apples”=>”10”, “mangoes”=>”6”, “oranges”=>”12”

(1 row)

Check for a specific key-value pair

You can retrieve HSTORE data based on a specific key-value pair using the ‘@>’ operator.

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale @> ‘”mangoes”=>”6″‘::hstore;

id |                      sale


2 | “apples”=>”10”, “mangoes”=>”6”, “oranges”=>”12”

(1 row)

Retrieve records that contain all specified keys

You can specify a logical ‘AND’ using the ‘?&’ operator in the extract criteria.

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale ?& ARRAY[‘milk’,’apples’];

id | sale


(0 rows)

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale ?& ARRAY[‘oranges’,’apples’];

id |                      sale


2 | “apples”=>”10”, “mangoes”=>”6”, “oranges”=>”12”

(1 row)

Retrieve records that contain any of the specified keys

Conversely, you can also specify a logical ‘OR’ using the ‘?|’ operator in the extract criteria.

hstore_db=# SELECT * FROM hstore_test WHERE sale ?| ARRAY[‘milk’,’apples’];

id |                             sale


1 | “milk”=>”4”, “cereal”=>”5”, “bananas”=>”12”, “cupcakes”=>”20”

2 | “apples”=>”10”, “mangoes”=>”6”, “oranges”=>”12”

(2 rows)

Retrieve all keys from the HSTORE column

You can retrieve all available keys from the HSTORE data as an array using the ‘akeys’ function.

hstore_db=# SELECT akeys(sale) FROM hstore_test;





(2 rows)

… or as a set using the ‘skeys’ function.

hstore_db=# SELECT skeys(sale) FROM hstore_test;










(7 rows)

Retrieve all values from the HSTORE column

Similarly, you can retrieve all available values from the HSTORE data as an array using the ‘avals’ function.

hstore_db=# SELECT avals(sale) FROM hstore_test;





(2 rows)

… or as a set using the ‘svals’ function.

hstore_db=# SELECT svals(sale) FROM hstore_test;










(7 rows)

Convert key-value pairs to JSON

The interoperability between JSON and HSTORE is simply a joy to work with. Simply use the hstore_to_json function and you have converted your key-value database into a document database.

hstore_db=# SELECT hstore_to_json(sale) FROM hstore_test;



{“milk”: “4”, “cereal”: “5”, “bananas”: “12”, “cupcakes”: “20”}

{“apples”: “10”, “mangoes”: “6”, “oranges”: “12”}

(2 rows)

Convert key-value pairs to sets

For relational purposes, the key-value pairs can also be retrieved as a set.

hstore_db=# SELECT id, (each(sale)).* FROM hstore_test;

id |   key    | value


1 | milk     | 4

1 | cereal   | 5

1 | bananas  | 12

1 | cupcakes | 20

2 | apples   | 10

2 | mangoes  | 6

2 | oranges  | 12

(7 rows)

PostgreSQL official documentation has a more comprehensive listing of the available HSTORE functions and operators.

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