When it is critical, you can count on us!

Our Customers

What is the cost of a downtime?

→ High-risk industries like banking, finance, government, healthcare, and manufacturing face downtime costs up to $85,000 per minute

→ For enterprises heavily reliant on data centers, such as telecommunications or e-commerce, a single event’s downtime cost can exceed $1 million, translating to more than $11,000 per minute

→ The average cost of downtime across all industries has risen to about $9,000 per minute, with variations based on business size and industry

→ Beyond immediate financial losses, downtime costs include lost productivity, recovery costs, and intangible costs like damage to reputation, loss of business, opportunity cost, poor user experience

1 Minute

33% of enterprises reported losing between $15,000 to $85,000 for a minute of downtime​

81% of SMBs reported losing an average of $5,000 for each minute of downtime.

Is your database up to date?

40% Increase in Operational Efficiency

A study by Forrester shows that modernized databases using recent technologies improve operational efficiency by up to 40%

Up to 45% Cost Reduction of IT Spend

A study by McKinsey found that companies can reduce their IT spend by 25-45% by migrating to newer database technologies

35% Boost in Client Satisfaction

IDC reports that organizations with advanced database technologies see a 35% improvement in customer satisfaction

Can your database scale with your growth?

180+ ZB of Digital Data

As digital data creation is expected to exceed 180 zettabytes by 2025 (IDC), the ability to scale efficiently becomes crucial for staying ahead of the competition

$3.58M Cost of Breach

A recent study by IBM found that companies with fully deployed security automation saved up to $3.58 million in breach costs compared to those without

30.8% Savings via Auto-Scaling

Scalable databases demonstrate up to 30.8% cost savings with auto-scaling capabilities and the potential to handle billions of rows with sub-second response times

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

Ticketing company needed to migrate its entire data infrastructure, but had a maintenance window of only 30 minutes. Successfully completed the switchover with less than 2 minutes of downtime.

We Meet You Where You Are

Your Platform

Your Needs

We value your database platform and version, avoiding costly migrations with our platform-agnostic approach, unlike others who push for unnecessary changes to upsell you.


Your unique needs, from operational efficiency and data security to scalability and compliance, shape our approach. We deliver solutions that match your objectives.


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July 22, 2024

A Follow up on Key PostgreSQL Configuration Parameters for Enhanced Performance – Part 2

In a previous blog post, we configured an EC2 instance and installed PostgreSQL on it. After the initial setup, we…
July 10, 2024

Guide to Auditing and Monitoring Access in PostgreSQL

In the data-driven world of today, maintaining the security and integrity of your database is paramount. Auditing and monitoring access…
July 8, 2024

Access Controls in PostgreSQL

Access control is a fundamental aspect of database security, ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions on the…

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