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Triggers in PostgreSQL: Love them or hate them? [PGSQL Phriday #007]

One simply does not say no to a 007 challenge! 😀

Some context – PGSQL Phriday is a monthly community blog event for the PostgreSQL community, and this month the invitation came from Lætitia Avrot. Thank you, Lætitia!

Onwards to the topic … 

Triggers are a powerful tool in PostgreSQL, allowing developers to execute custom code automatically in response to changes in the database. However, they can also be a double-edged sword, with the potential to cause confusion and performance issues if not used carefully.

Do I love them? Do I hate them? It’s complicated. Like many things in life, triggers can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on how they are used. Let’s dive deeper into triggers in PostgreSQL to better understand their use cases and limitations.

What are triggers in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, triggers are special procedures that are associated with a table and are executed automatically when a certain event occurs, such as an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operation on that table. Triggers can be used to enforce data integrity, implement complex business rules, log changes, or even replicate data across multiple databases. The trigger function can be written in any language supported by PostgreSQL.

Triggers can be defined to execute either before or after the triggering event, and can be set to execute either for each row affected or once per statement.

Do I love triggers?

Yes, I do love triggers when they are used appropriately. Some legitimate use cases for triggers include:

  1. Auditing – Triggers can be used to keep track of changes made to specific tables. For example, you can use a trigger to log changes to a customer’s address in a table.
  2. Data Validation – Triggers can validate data entered into a table. For example, you can use a trigger to check if a customer’s age is within a specific range.
  3. Data Synchronization – Triggers can be used to synchronize data between tables. For example, if a customer’s email address changes, a trigger can update the email address in all tables that reference the customer.
  4. Security – Triggers can be used to enforce security policies. For example, you can use a trigger to restrict access to a table based on specific criteria.

Do I hate triggers?

No, I do not hate triggers, but I do acknowledge that they can be misused and cause issues if not used appropriately. Some common pitfalls of triggers include:

  1. Performance impact: Triggers can cause a significant performance impact on large databases, especially if they are executed for every row affected by the triggering event. Developers should carefully consider the performance implications of using triggers and use them sparingly.
  2. Complexity: Triggers can make the database schema more complex and harder to understand, especially if multiple triggers are defined for the same table or if they are used to implement complex business logic. Developers should strive to keep the database schema as simple as possible and avoid using triggers when simpler alternatives are available.
  3. Debugging: Triggers can make debugging more challenging, especially if they are not well documented or if they interact with other triggers or database objects. Developers should ensure that triggers are well documented and tested thoroughly before deploying them to production.

How to mitigate the drawbacks of triggers?

To mitigate the potential drawbacks of triggers, developers should follow some best practices, such as:

  1. Keep Triggers Simple – Avoid using complex triggers that involve multiple tables or nested logic. Instead, use simple triggers that perform only one task.
  2. Use triggers sparingly: Developers should only use triggers when there is no other way to achieve the desired functionality and should avoid using them for simple tasks that can be accomplished with SQL.
  3. Optimize trigger performance: Developers should optimize triggers for performance by minimizing the number of triggers defined per table, avoiding triggers that execute for each row affected, and using appropriate indexing and caching strategies.
  4. Document triggers thoroughly: Developers should document triggers thoroughly, including their purpose, behavior, and any dependencies on other database objects.
  5. Test triggers thoroughly: Developers should test triggers thoroughly in a staging environment before deploying them to production, including testing for performance, concurrency, and edge cases.


Triggers are a powerful tool for database developers in PostgreSQL. They can automate repetitive tasks, enforce data consistency, and improve data integrity. However, they can also have some drawbacks, such as performance issues, debugging challenges, and maintenance complexity. By following best practices, developers can mitigate these drawbacks and make the most out of triggers in PostgreSQL.

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