pg_cirrus – Hassle-free PostgreSQL Cluster Setup

pg_cirrus is a simple and automated solution to deploy highly available 3-node PostgreSQL cluster with load balancing and auto failover. It is built using Ansible and Python. pg_cirrus uses pgpool to perform auto failover and load balancing. 

You can read more about pg_cirrus here:

Github repository for pg_cirrus can be found here:

Here are the detailed steps to configure 3-node PostgreSQL cluster using pg_cirrus.


Configure Primary, Standby1 and Standby2 Nodes

Update local apt package manager

sudo apt-get update -y

Install OpenSSH Server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

Create postgres user and give it passwordless sudo privileges

sudo adduser postgres
sudo visudo

Add the following string at the end of visudo file


Configure pgpool Node

Update local apt package manager

sudo apt-get update -y

Install OpenSSH Server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

Install Ansible

sudo apt-get install ansible -y

Install Git

sudo apt-get install git -y

Install python3

sudo apt-get install python3 -y

Create postgres user and give it passwordless sudo privileges

sudo adduser postgres
sudo visudo

Add the following string at the end of visudo file


Generate ssh key-pair for postgres user if key-pair is not already generated

NOTE: If you have already generated public key of postgres user you may skip this step


Copy public key of postgres user from pgpool node to standby1, standby2 and primary nodes for ssh passwordless access

ssh-copy-id postgres@<PRIMARY_IP>
ssh-copy-id postgres@<STANDBY1_IP>
ssh-copy-id postgres@<STANDBY2_IP>

Clone github repository

git clone

Go into the directory

cd pg_cirrus/3-node-cluster/

Create vault.yml file using Ansible vault

ansible-vault create vault.yml

Write following lines inside vault.yml

PSQL_SERVER_PASSWORD: <your_postgres_database_password>
REPUSER_PASSWORD: <your_replication_user_password>

Create file to store vault password

touch /home/postgres/pg_cirrus/3-node-cluster/vault-pass-file
chmod 0600 /home/postgres/pg_cirrus/3-node-cluster/vault-pass-file

Please insert your vault password in plain text inside vault-pass-file.

Execute pg_cirrus

Run Python script “”


Vault password – Specify absolute path for vault password file

Ansible vault password file: /home/postgres/pass
All checks for VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE were passed

PostgreSQL version – pg_cirrus will fetch the latest PostgreSQL version. You can enter a version or continue with the latest one

Getting latest PostgreSQL stable version ...
Enter PostgreSQL version (Latest: 15):

PostgreSQL port – If custom port number is entered that will be used else default port 5432 will be used

Enter the PostgreSQL port number: (Default: 5432): 

Data Directory Path – If custom path is entered that will be used else default path “/home/postgres/stormatics/pg_cirrus/data” will be selected

Enter the Data Directory Path: (Default: /home/postgres/stormatics/pg_cirrus/data): 

Subnet – pg_cirrus assumes that all the nodes will be inside the same subnet, please specify IP address of your subnet

Subnet address for the cluster:

Please specify IP address for Primary node

Primary PostgreSQL Server IP address:

Please specify IP addresses for Standby nodes

Standby 1 IP address:
Standby 2 IP address:

Please specify the IP address of your current machine to setup pgpool

IP address of this node to setup pgpool:

Inventory and conf.yml files will be generated, playbooks will start executing

Generating conf.yml ...
Generating inventory file ...

After playbooks have been successfully executed the 3-node HA cluster will be smoothly running.

Connect to pgpool node from client machine using psql

We are now ready to connect with newly deployed cluster

psql -h <pgpool_node_ip> -p 9999 -d postgres -U postgres

You will be prompted for password please enter your PSQL_SERVER_PASSWORD to connect.